

Latest news:

January 6, 2018:
New information is available about the Bellman Y-DNA haplogroup.

This genetic group is designated E1b1b1 or E-M215. This is a haplogroup that evolved about 22,400 years ago in Eastern Africa, most likely Northeastern Africa, either in upper (southern) Egypt or Cush, now the Sudan. Its parent haplogroup is E, a general African group.

E1b1b1 is seen in 22% of Ashkenazi Jews and 30% of Sephardi, but remember that it originated before Judaism. This is also a haplogroup associated with Samaritan Kohanim. This doesn't mean that Bellman ancestors were Samaritan Kohanim, but they could have been.

There are two other haplogroups associated with early proto-Jewish people, J1/J2 and G. J1/J2 groups are the most predominant in modern Jewish populations and J2 people are associated with the traditional Kohanim. G is a more recent haplogroup, about 10,000 - 13,000 years young.


If you have family stories, photos or documents that you'd like to share, we'd love to have your input. Please contact the webmaster.


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Last update:

January 6, 2018


If your family heritage includes the names Bellman (originally Beilman), Levenson, Markson or Rogalsky, you may find some friends and relations in our pages. Please look around and explore by clicking the links on the menu bar at left.

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At the top of the page is Malcolm Bellman at his bar mitzvah in December 2004. He was named for his great-grandfather, Max Bellman (left, in a photo from 1913).

Who are we?

We're a group of Bellman family members who enjoy tracing genealogical history. Our primary historian is Deanna Bellman Kasten, who has already completed a children's book about our Jewish ancestors. As Lithuanian immigrants in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries family members settled in Hibbing, Minnesota and El Paso, Texas. Deanna's research provided the basis for our history and family tree. Do you have something you'd like to include? 

What's in a name?

As transcribed from Russian (the official state language of Lithuania at the time) the Bellman surname is actually spelled "Beilman" (Бейлман), a transcription of a German-style surname. Mariampol, the Bellman district, was close to the German border so some Jewish surnames were German in origin rather than Russian. In German, "Beil" is an axe, so perhaps there were lumber or forestry people in our deep ancestry.

More work ahead

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We can move forward only with your help. Any interesting family photos (such as the Levenson siblings, pictured at right in the 1930s), papers or stories will help us paint a better historical portrait of the Bellmans, Levensons, Marksons and Rogalskys in the USA. If you'd like to submit what you have, please send it along. If you need assistance having your materials scanned or copied, please email the webmaster for help.

Check back frequently for further family updates.